Harness Your Online Presence – The Preeminent Financial Advisor Podcast – Episode 19

Harness Your Online Presence – Episode 19 There’s no question that many affluent investors are increasingly turning to technology as an essential part of their investment journey. That means they’re looking to you—their advisors—to offer tech-enhanced access to information, insights and communication. That said, the desire for technology can vary greatly depending on the types […]

Teach Your Clients Well – The Preeminent Financial Advisor Podcast – Episode 18

Teach Your Clients Well – Episode 18 As an advisor, your expertise and the ability to communicate that expertise to your clients are some of the biggest areas of value you bring to the table. In fact, one CEG Insights survey found that more than 90% of clients say that getting educated on financial topics […]

The Crucial Role of Technology-Enhanced Client Communication – The Preeminent Financial Advisor Podcast – Episode 17

The Crucial Role of Technology-Enhanced Client Communication – Episode 17 Bringing technology into your practice these days is easy. Choosing the right tech for your business and using it effectively can be far more challenging propositions, however. Take technology-enabled client communication. There are myriad technologies you can use to deliver information and messaging to clients […]

The Importance of Legacy Planning For Your Clients—And Your Practice – The Preeminent Financial Advisor Podcast – Episode 16

The Importance of Legacy Planning For Your Clients—And Your Practice – Episode 16 Many of your affluent clients and prospects are thinking more and more about legacy these days—specifically, how they can transfer not just assets but also their values and beliefs to their heirs. For your clients to be able to preserve their wealth […]

The Growing Demand for Virtual Family Office Services – The Preeminent Financial Advisor Podcast – Episode 15

The Growing Demand for Virtual Family Office Services – Episode 15 “If you build it, they will come.” No, we’re not suggesting you turn a cornfield into a baseball diamond. But if you want to attract ultra-wealthy clients, you might consider building a virtual family office (VFO). Our latest research strongly suggests that offering a […]

HNW Holistic SOS: Your Mission to Revitalize Wealth Management – The Preeminent Financial Advisor Podcast – Episode 14

HNW Holistic SOS: Your Mission to Revitalize Wealth Management – Episode 14 Financial advisors today have an extraordinary opportunity to attract, serve and retain ultra-wealthy clients—those with a net worth of $25 million or more. The key to making that happen: Bring additional expertise into these clients’ financial lives and coordinate the efforts of the […]

To Attract the Ultra-Wealthy, Partner With Them – Episode 13

To Attract the Ultra-Wealthy, Partner With Them – Episode 13 The wealthiest investors today aren’t content to let their advisors fully take the wheel when it comes to making decisions about their assets. To the contrary, they want a hands-on role in investment management—partnering with their advisors in the decision-making process so they feel they’re […]

What It Takes to Serve the Ultra-Wealthy – The Preeminent Financial Advisor Podcast – Episode 12

What It Takes to Serve the Ultra-Wealthy – Episode 12 Some of you reading this—maybe even a lot of you—don’t have any clients with a net worth of $25 million or more. Others might have one or two of these ultra-wealthy clients, but they’re outliers rather than the focus of your business model. There’s no […]

More Than Money: Why You Need to Help Clients Build a Life of Significance – The Preeminent Financial Advisor Podcast – Episode 11

More Than Money: Why You Need to Help Clients Build a Life of Significance – Episode 11 As advisors, you’re extremely comfortable delving into your clients’ financial goals so you can craft plans, portfolios and other solutions aimed at getting them to those desired outcomes. But what if you went beyond the financial issues by […]

Are You Helping Your Clients Live Their Best Life? – The Preeminent Financial Advisor Podcast – Episode 10

Are You Helping Your Clients Live Their Best Life? – Episode 10 In today’s world, where it’s challenging for investors to differentiate between various financial services providers, standing out requires more than just getting good returns on investments. What makes you different in the eyes of affluent prospects and clients is how well you can […]